Sunday, June 6, 2010

Learning the System

I started going in for weekly appointments at the Russian hospital. It was another learning experience to figure out this new system. When entering the hospital you had to give security your name and a reason for being there. Then you had to put on the infamous blue plastic booties over your shoes. Many places in Moscow require you to wear these booties inside…it keeps things cleaner…however, they are like little foot saunas and you sound like an army walking down a quiet hall. After getting all decked out in the booties you head upstairs to one window where you tell the lady what you need that day. They doctor gives you a check list of things to do before your appointment. Usually I order one doctor’s check-up, one ultra-sound and one ktg (baby heart monitoring). But you may also have to order certain lab test or other screenings. She then writes out little forms for each of the things you need. Then you take your order forms to another window where you must pay for each thing. Then she stamps the order forms and they are valid. Then you go to the different offices… where you give the nurse your order form and are called in when it is your turn. They each give you a report…which you compile and then give everything to your doctor when it is finally time for your check-up.

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